Facebook status 2022 about separation of love

 Facebook status 2022 about separation of love

Thousands of Facebook statuses, messages about breakup are published on our website. Are you also looking for Facebook status about separation? Then you have come to the right place because we are publishing Facebook status about breakup on our website.

Nowadays, most of the love affairs end in divorce. Breakup of 10 years of love is now common. A selfish lover who weaves colorful dreams in the eyes of her lover hangs herself on the neck of a BCS cadre just before marriage. The sky is like a dream that turns to dust in an instant with one word from a deceitful lover, my family will not accept you.

The family will not accept this is just an excuse for separation. It is very deceitful to show a lover a sea of ​​dreams and cut him off at the last moment with just any excuse. The boy who was the most polite and talented student of the society, sitting on the wedding hall smiling and on the other hand, in a red saree, did not hold a cigarette in his hand.

Get drunk and forget the eyes of your lover and abuse your best friend with a smile, why people cheat people? If you don't love in life, mama, you will be left as a living corpse.

I have also seen it where from adolescence to the formation of the career of the lover is by the side. Make food with your own hands and put the food in the mouth of your lover in the afternoon and put your hand on his hand and say, I am by your side, always move forward. When the boyfriend takes the BCS preparation, the girl gives the most courage, once the girl's friend gets a call saying your boyfriend has passed the BCS exam.

The girlfriend is a bit shocked and while calling the boyfriend, she hears from the other side, Sorry, the number you called is closed now. Once the girl comes to know that her highly educated boyfriend is seeking a divorce. The status of the girl does not match with him now. After the breakup, Facebook walls filled with love statuses started getting updated with breakup status.

The Facebook post that used to get hundreds of likes and comments, where it was written about the perfect couple, the beautiful pair, now gets a flood of sad reactions.

Today playing with people's beliefs has become an art. It's as if people are playing the game of cheating people, where one is blindly trusting the other, the other is laughing at the devil in his heart that another person has fallen into the trap of his love. Many people continue to torment their loved ones endlessly, as if their selfishness lies in hurting the lover/lover.

If you are in love, live from your heart, breaking up with excuses at the last moment is really disgusting. Always keep in mind that nature does not spare anyone, today you are having a lot of fun by cheating someone but tomorrow you are ready to suffer from someone. Love is not an excuse to break up, it has to be turned into marriage with patience.

Why try to forget someone who you can't make yourself with fake love. So love the one you love from your heart, keep it by your side forever.

1. I tore up the pages of the diary where thousands of dreams were written. 

2. Don't tell anyone what you think. There will come a time when he will hurt you with your own words, which will be hard for you to bear

3. When I come to the end of the stone, I see that all the rest of my calculations are fake. 

4. "I'm far away, but I always remember your words. Why not? You're in my heart." 

5. "Don't give someone emotional love, give emotional love. Because emotional love will one day lose to conscience but emotional love will last forever."

6. Love is sometimes so cruel that even a heartless person doesn't think for a minute to throw it away when it's needed." 

7. Girls don't get love for good guys, what gets done is sympathy" 

8. Today, write this day in your mind, you will read me wherever you are. 

9. If there is anything to be gained in this world of love, it is called pain.” 

10. "No matter how many hours a kiss is lost in a busy city. Failed lovers just linger, waiting to be won back."

11. The dreams you showed me are still alive today. 

12. Do not tell me how you touch me with tears in this complaint of eyes. 

13. “Love is as true as the blue sky, the mother of the dew-drenched flower pure but defeated by time and neglected by reality. 

14. "Maybe I lost you because I expected to get it. But could you have gotten it if I didn't want it? In fact, maybe I am so worthless today because I gave more radish than I needed."

15. Pain My Life Partner Pain My Little Sorrow I Am Nita Kadi Heart Pain Sorrow My First Sorrow My Last You Just Be Well Be Happy Be Well" 

16. Tears are seen by everyone, heartache is not seen by anyone The joy of getting is only for a few days but the pain of not getting is never forgotten for a lifetime" 

17. I love you now, house arrest, alone in the house, growing pain, suffering, fear of rival's eyes, everyday I collect dreams, fear of heart, my heart is burning for you. 

18. As a reminder, expecting someone to fall in love is foolish:

19. We live in a world of wonder Even if there are two people to talk about love, there is no one to understand it." 

20. "Days and nights come, some cry and some laugh. It does not matter to many."

 21. “You know, I miss you so much.” 

22. "If you don't find someone, life is never over. But if you find someone and lose them again, there's nothing left of life." 

23. No one belongs to anyone in this world, where there is interest, everyone runs there One becomes self-interested for a while, forgets when self-interest is over.

24. “You do not know what suffering is, you can cause pain, so you cannot feel the pain of others. I am burning and dying because of your pain, life now wants to go on an unknown path" 

25. I had a dream in two eyes, I thought I could live all my life, I was thinking of your love, we will be two flowers of one tree, but when you left, you misunderstood me. 

26. "No matter how much you do for someone in life, one day they will forget you." 

27. I did not find someone like you, and I did not find you

28. “It's surprising to think! People who act are the happiest, those who love from the heart are the ones who suffer."

29. “There is nothing in the world that hurts more than crying in silence.” 

30. If I had known that I would be the cause of your pain, I would have never come into your life 

31. " To correct a mistake is love, to leave it is dishonesty.” 

32. " There are some questions in life, the answer to which is over."

33. "Once in a while such a relationship is formed, it hurts to be far away and it hurts to be next to you" 

34. "I don't want to cry, yet I know why tears come to my eyes. I don't want to suffer, yet why does pain burn me? I want a little happiness, happiness that escapes at the sight of me" 

35. "The most painful moment in the world seems to be when someone you eagerly wait for doesn't come.

36. "I didn't know what love was, you taught me; I didn't know what pain was, you went and taught me." 

37. "When I was gone, I could have taught you how to act nice." 

38. “It's better to give back than to be neglected” 

39. It is very easy to leave someone with a dream but it is very difficult to fulfill a dream with someone.

40. I thought I might save you now But alas, if you forget me, if you push me into the deep darkness."

41. How many games have you played with your mind, if you look back, if the time to go is gone, if you don't let go of your hand and come back again.

42. "I miss the most, when you lay your head on my shoulder." 

43, "I don't know how you are, maybe you've forgotten. I'll go! I couldn't give you a moment to remember. I wish you happiness." 

44. The day you realize, no one has loved you more than me You will cry more than me that day."

45, "A man only weeps in secret, when the person he likes does something he doesn't like." 

46. ​​He who forgets you when he finds someone else will forget him when he finds someone better than him. Because he loves no one, he only seeks his own interests.” 

47. Tears never lie"

48. I added that I love birds. You can say that you can fly away. If you are happy, I will find the happiness that you cannot find. Do not come back in fear of pain.

49. “I never thought you could do this to me, leave me suffering for no reason.” 

50. Trying to keep you happy, today my happiness is colorless.

You can download break up facebook status free instantly from our website. We have published heart touching break up status, messages on our website. You can download your favorite heart touching break up status for free. Keep yourself away from all suicidal decisions after breakup and prepare yourself strongly. 

Thank you.

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